Mounted Volunteers

The Sheriff’s Mounted Volunteer team is made up of dedicated individuals who volunteer a substantial amount of time to the Sheriff’s Office along with their equine partners. Sheriff Mounted Volunteers (SMV) dedicate their time to training, public events, trail and neighborhood patrols, and search and rescue.  Among the many other skills, the team possesses, several members and horses are specially training in the art of equine scent tracking.  This skill can be utilized during a search for a missing person. The rider is trained to recognize when their equine partner picks up a scent then the horse is encouraged to follow it.  This skill takes a tremendous amount of trust and communication between horse and rider.

The mounted volunteers and their equine partners must train and pass the same qualification testing as sworn mounted officers. This type of partnership with a horse takes time, dedication, and patience. 

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Own or have access to a healthy, good-minded, brave horse.

  • Own or have access to a safe, reliable horse trailer and tow vehicle.

  • Complete and pass the Sheriff’s Office background investigation.

  • Complete and pass the CLETS less than full access test.

  • Complete and pass FEMA ICS online courses.

  • Attend Sheriff’s radio training course.

  • Complete and pass trailer certification.

  • Complete and maintain a First Aid/CPR Card (VCSO will provide)

  • Maintain a valid Disaster Service Worker Card (VCSO will provide)

  • Horse and rider must complete and pass the mounted skills qualification test annually.

  • Attend a minimum of 6 SMV training sessions annually on horseback.

  • Be available for call outs for SAR missions and/or law enforcement support.

Additional Information: